The Sequences of Brand Management

Perhaps the most distinguished between good brand practices and the bad one is whether it decide at the proper time, in the context of previous learning, and with clear understanding how it shape or affect future decision for brand performance. lets take an example for advertising, first, in term of previous learning we have have enough information about what consumer already perceive for our brand. Second, in term of the future, we have to understand and decide which consumers will be targeted. Both consideration will affect our advertising strategy and its execution.

1. Market Analysis

No army will conquer the battle without precised reconnaissance of their terrain battle. Knowing our brand strengths and weakness is not enough to win the battle therefore market analysis is the first giant step for brand management. Marketing meeting room should be like a military strategy room which contains huge map explaining their current situation and help them to proceed their next strategy. A Map of Market is a non negotiable tool for marketer to make a good decision otherwise they will only spending budget for nothing.

In case of challenger brand, understanding current market situation will give comprehensive idea how, where and when we start our first shoot to market leader. It's not about finding any corner of the war field (niche) which ignored by market leader, but this is the matter of where we build our first base attack outside of their territory and gradually continue to occupy their market share in the future.

to be continued...


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