Textured Tempeh Protein (TTP) as Alternative Meat to Prevent Coroner Heart Disease

Urban consumption habit today which dominated by meat and meat product have a high risk for health. Meat fat is source of cholesterol in high concentration causing degenerative disease like Coroner Heart Disease (CHD). Cardiovascular disease including CHD is the most killer disease. From one hundred people died, sixteen persons of them died caused by CHD, according to Household Survey in 1992. Furthermore this number was raising into 26.4% in 2001.

Some decades ago, right exactly in 1972, Husden and Hoer had created an innovation in food sector to answer cholesterol problem of the world, especially meat cholesterol. The innovation was Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP). TVP is a meat analog which generally made from pure soybean, concentrate soy protein, or isolate soy protein. The existence of soybean as one of leguminaceae division with high quality vegetable protein is combined with others ingredients like spices and food color. The TVP nutritional composition can be modified became equivalent with nutrition of meat. And TVP has become a solution for people who concern about their cholesterol level.

Indonesia is a rich soybean country. The most famous Indonesian traditional food is tempeh. As a fermented product, tempeh has higher nutrition than its sources, soybean. Tempeh consists of 46.5 percent protein higher than soybean with Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER) 2.12 its caused by the existence oy mycoprotein form the microorganism. Tempeh also consists of complex vitamins, especially complex vitamin B. These vitamins are the products made by mold that fermenting soybean.

Besides from soy flour or soy protein isolate, TVP can also be produced using tempeh flour as a main ingredient. Tempeh has a better texture and moisture than soy bean. So, tempeh is easier to process than soybean on producing TVP. Meat analog produced from tempeh is called Textured Tempeh Protein (TTP). Primary sources for making TTP is tempeh flour and isolate of gluten protein. The benefits of soy protein in tempeh is the capability to form fibers or thread. In other hand gluten protein can increase texture quality of product because its capability to increase the dough volume. Tempeh flour can made from milled tempeh by drum dryer and continued by filtering process. Gluten isolate is made by submerged wheat flour in water and continued with freeze drying.

Many method has been developed in producing TVP/TTP . One of method on TTP production is extrusion. On this method, dough is formed from defatted tempeh flour. Defatted tempeh flour containing a certain amount of water is passed trough a high-pressure extruder cooker to produce an expanded and porous product. Although devoid of true fibres, the product possessed the textural characteristic of chewiness and elasticity and was deemed to imitate meat in this respect.

Not only for preventing CHD, we hope this kind of product can be one of many solution for Indonesian food problem today. Many disasters happened in Indonesia, like flood, earthquake, and tsunami. The most food form donations that usually given are instant noodle for practice. Because of instant noodle is lack of nutrition especially protein, TTP can be alternative as a complementary food which has high nutrition quality. Besides, TTP is easily prepared and long self-life. TPP has delicious taste and meat mouthfeel. Finally we hope this product can give a better food quality for them whom suffered today and for the future.

Anggota Kelompok :
1. M.T.Assyaukani F24104072
2. Yuke Juanita F24104120
3. Jamal Zamrudi F24104113

[Kani, jamal dan yuke odong - 9-Sep-2006]


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